Lama Doboom Tulku was born in the Kham region of Tibet in 1941 and recognized as the reincarnation of the previous Doboom Tulku at the age of two by Phurchog Jampa Rinpoche. At the age of 12, he joined Drepung Monastery in Central Tibet and studied Buddhist Philosophy. He came to India in 1959, and lived in a monastic camp in West Bengal to continue his studies. At Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies then under the auspices of Sanskrit University, Varanasi, he studied Buddhist Philosophy and received Geshe Archarya degree in 1972. He was awarded honorary doctorate degree in Buddhist Studies by the Mahachulalongkorn Buddhist University of Bangkok in 1999.

From 1972 until March 2011, he worked in various academic, cultural and administrative institutions of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. He pursued a millennium project of World Festival of Sacred Music which became a worldwide event with festivals at over dozen venues in different continents. As the Founder Managing Trustee of World Buddhist Culture Trust, he is currently engaged in inter-religious and cross-cultural activities through art and culture. He is author/editor/compiler of Buddhist Iconography (English, 1989), Buddhist Translations: Problems and Perspectives (English, 1995), Mahayana Buddhism-History and Culture (English, 2008), Buddhist Path to Enlightenment (English, 1996), Gyalwai Choetsul (rgyal bai chos tsul, Tibetan, 2008), Ngulkar Melong (dngul dkar me long , Tibetan, 2011), Dodang Sayi Tenchoe (rdo dang sa yI bstan bcos, Tibetan, 2005), Tsodang Dawai Tenchoe (mtso dang zla bai bstan bchos, Tibetan, 2012) and Words Well Spoken: Maxims of Earth & Stone (English, 2012) and Maxims of Ocean & Moon (English, 2013). He co-authored several academic works. Some of his writings are given below: